Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Don't know what to say... Speechless

How are you today?
Good day isn't?

So, hari ini saya nak bercerita sedikit tentang tajuk di atas iaitu Speechless...Speechless yang saya maksudkan adalah ketiadaan kata - kata yang nak diberikan kepada satu kejadian ini.. Okay, honestly mula - mula tu tak adalah excited sangat nak tulis pasal ni tapi bila kejadian itu makin lama makin menarik, saya pun terus tergerak buka blog and update...

Okay firstly it all started after the result of my coming practical teaching... For the school I choose, there would be 4 students from my UNI (3 girls 1 boy).... I know the boy but I don't know one of the girls.. One thing I'm sure about her is that she's married...

Hmmmm, the boy from what I know and heard is engaged but then what's interesting about him is that he's flirting on me and he's flirting me through my friends.. hahahaha.. I guess he's not that brave... What a "CLEVER" boy... Okay, how do I know he's flirting me? Let me tell you the story....

Masa saya balik semula ke kolej after my short holiday at home, saya di approach my friend and  she told me ada seseorang nak mengorat...I'm not very surprised with the news but then when she show me the person, I was what? Him?  Hey, bukan dia dah bertunang ke? Kenapa dia tulis macam tu? But then, I just ignore it because first : may be he's trying to joke with my friend, two : hey, he's someone fiancĂ©e and three : I don't like him (hahahaha)...

He's not that bad actually.. From all the way I know him, he's quite beragama (pernah jadi imam masa solat hajat), sedap suara dia, baik dan kadang-kadang nakal juga (dalam exam pun meniru), and sebenarnya saya tak pernah pun bercakap dengan dia.. saya hanya tahu dia dari electrical course dan tunang orang... That's all.. What surprised me? WHY ME? Hmm pelik, pelik.. Nak kata saya cantik, kawan saya yang seorang lagi tu lagi cantik dan comel, ramai lagi kawan saya yang lebih baik dari saya.. Nak kata saya ni baik or menepati citarasa dia (bertudung labuh macam tunang dia) tak juga sebab saya ni pakai biasa-biasa je...

Kenapa agaknya tunang orang berperangai macam tu? Lelaki memang macam tu ke? Seorang lelaki bila dah bertunang tetap akan berperangai macam tu ke? Kalau nak di ikutkan, saya pun ada juga kawan lelaki yang bertunang, tapi perangai elok je, tak pernah pula tengok dia menggatal dengan orang lain... Macam-macam dunia ni...Berbeza orang berbeza perangai...

I thought the story ends there but he did it again during my study group with my friends a few weeks later...Now this time I am surprise, very surprise.. Why? Sebab dia makin berani... Dia berchatting dengan kawan saya masa kami study group at that time, then tiba-tiba kawan saya cakap dia kirim salam, saya pun senyum jela..Then kawan saya pun cakap la yang kemungkinan saya akan bertukar sekolah masa LM nanti sebab saya apply untuk LM ke Indonesia, then dia balas (lebih kurang macam ni ayat dia) - " Ooooo, yeke.. Kalo macam tu tak dapat la saya nak ngorat F****.. Baru cadang nak couple dengan dia ".... Saya dengar je, saya terus gelak gila-gila dengan kawan-kawan saya...Ada ke tunang orang cakap macam tu dengan orang yang dia tak pernah pun cakap or kenal... Kalau dia kawan saya boleh la saya terima sebab kawan-kawan saya memang jenis yang suka bergurau macam tu...saya pun jenis orang yang tak ambil kisah (gelaran dalam geng - perempuan hati batu, tak ada perasaan), tapi ini dia yang saya tak kenal pun...

Ya Allah... tak tahu nak cakap or respon apa lagi... Yang peliknya, dekat FB pun mana ada dia friends, macam mana la dia boleh ada niat nak guna nama saya... Adoooooyaiiiiiii!!!!! Dunia dunia... Dengan kawan-kawan saya berani dia luahkan, tapi dengan saya tak berani pula nak cuba cakap or approach....Hmmmm... Adakah ini cara dia bergurau? Adakah ini cara dia berkawan? Entahlah, saya pun tak tahu nak cakap..

Ok, mula-mula kena rasa biasa je tapi bila dah berani sangat sampai macam tu sekali, saya mula rasa tak selesa... Sebab dia guna nama saya, kalau nama orang lain saya tak kisah tapi dia guna nama saya... Saya bukannya apa, kalau dia buat perangai tak senonoh tu privately dengan saya, tak apa sebab ianya secret.. Tapi bila dah melibatkan sampai kawan-kawan saya, saya rasa tercabar pula..Macam saya ni bahan untuk gurau senda.. Nanti apa kata orang lain? Saya boleh dikatakan perosak hubungan orang padahal saya tak tahu apa-apa pun...Dan yang saya tak boleh terima adalah dia TUNANG ORANG...

Mungkin sesetengah orang cakap ala baru tunang, tapi bagi saya itu adalah ikatan yang menunjukkan hak seseorang... Saya tak nak jadi perosak hubungan orang lain lagi-lagi nak menyakitkan hati kaum saya sendiri...Minta dijauhkan semua tu..

Okay la dah banyak sangat saya meluahkan kali ini.. Harap-harap tiada lagi kes-kes yang boleh buat saya nak gelak sampai terguling-guling selepas ini.. Semoga semuanya aman sejahtera..


Monday, January 7, 2013


Good Day Everyone...

Ok now I just wanna write.. Don't have the feeling, only want to write..

It is all about my teaching practical next month. So firstly, I was happy to know that my choice of school is a dream come true, I get to teach at my hometown (KL) with my best friend of course.. We were very happy to know that we're going to be together at that school for the whole semester.. We talk a lot about shopping together, eating together, cooking together, and spend the whole 5 months together especially in KL (city of entertainment).. But then it could be just a dream, only a dream when I applied to teach at Indonesia even though it takes only a month...

The application to teach at Indonesia was not part of the plan at the first place because I heard that my course is not applicable... But when my friend said that we (my course) is qualified, I know nothing but to fill the form..So, what is the case? The main point is that I may be transferred to other school after the practical if I pass all the qualification... But that is IF I PASS?????? IF NOT then we can breathe easily...

So the main issue here is I feel very guilty, very very very guilty with my best friend because we had planned everything... OoooooHHHHH!!!!! I feel so confused.. What should I do? What should I do? Do I have to cancel the application? But travelling is my priority, getting new experience with new surrounding is really really really my main dream in my life....I cannot ignore it because this is a chance once in a life time... Who would want to sponsor the whole journey for you in the future if you ignore today's chance?

Ya Allah.... I don't know what to do...I really don't know what to do..... I feel so confuse...

Hmmmmm, what do I do now?  I guess I should just leave it and always pray for the best to ALLAH... Because ALLAH is my creator so Allah knows what is the best for me and my life and her life too... I just pray success to the both of us... ALLAH will show the way and I know it because I believe it... I believe ALLAH...


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Soapbox UTM Race Car

Hello World!!!!!

So,today's entry is all about soapbox. What is soapbox? Well, soapbox is actually a man made gravity car. Used usually as a recreation vehicle or race car in a competition. They don't use engine to move, only the power of earth's gravity is needed. Me and my team (all girls) built one of it. Want to see the result after all the hard work? TADAAAA....

Look cute is it.... Hahahaha... Well seems easy to build it but trust me if you don't have the intent to sacrifice on your time and money especially, I don't recommend you to build one... It was so tiring and energy consume.. But when you see the result, automatically I smiled  (  : ]  ).... BIG SMILE...Because we girls did all the job by ourselves (plus with the help of our friends and all the staff)

And amazingly, we got third place in the race ( the third fastest car of all soapbox) down the hill of UTM IBNU SINA...Lucky me as the driver even accident happened twice (not me but two of the other teams)...

Okay, time to move out.. I have an important exam tomorrow (Wish me success)... BYE..
