Friday, November 15, 2013


How are you?
Hope you are fine and happy..... ;-)

Jeng jeng jeng!!!!!! Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to myself, happy birthday to meeeeeee....... Wahhhhhh!!!! now I realize how old I am... What an old age but I'm not telling you the number because age is a women's secret... I'm so happy today and a little sad too because usually my family is around to celebrate it with me, but since I'm away to the south I just can miss them from far...I really do miss them a lot... Miss you mother, miss you father, miss you sister and miss you my tall brother....

But I have good friends here....Today they celebrate it with me... We eat Mcd, they buy cakes for me and after that they bashed me with eggs... Oooohhhhhhh!!!!! thank god I'm not wearing anything fancy today.... Surely they will have my revenge later but this, I will remember until the end of my life.... I will miss them aaaaaaa LOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!! Even though we know each other for nearly about 4 years, but it feels just like yesterday to have them as friends.... I love you all...

Those are the pictures when we went to Singapore during our second year in here and I really miss the moment to just hang out together... 

Thank you my friends and may Allah bless you with success in your lifetime.... I really appreciate for all the things that you've done for me and may our friendship last longer until Jannah... In Sya Allah....

Thank you and thank you....  

Saturday, November 9, 2013

My Greatest Dream...

How are you?
May Allah bless you all with prosperity and easiness...

Okay, it's been 3 months since my last entry in here. So, today I want to tell you a story about a little girl's dream...A few years back, there is one little girl who dreams of flying to Middle East and hold the status as a medical student.. And yes, she got the offer to do Medic in Egypt.. But unfortunately, due to poor family and lack of knowledge, she missed the chance...And yet, she continued her study to Form 6 and finally now hold the status as a teacher to be, Insyallah... Until now she's still has the same dream as before, dreaming to be one of  "The" qualified international student anywhere in any part of the world...Yes, that little girl is me...

Funny isn't? I know it sounds stupid to waste the precious money into something that I know can help the family to become better in the future, but honestly I WANT to study overseas... I'm not very sure if my family will accept my greatest dream, but for Allah's sake I want to do this for them... I know as the oldest sister in the family, the future responsibility is in my hands plus I have a sister and brother that needs support especially financial support for their better education... But I do really want this because I know the moment I take the burdens, I would no longer have the TIME and INTENTION to do it sincerely even though I have the money... Many people don't understand that and I was so pissed of it..They don't know me and yet, they are all "sibok-sibok" interfering my life, telling me to do this and that, not do this and that...Arrrgggghhhh!!! I'm very angry with all the "sibok" people...

Honestly, I know my family will understand me but as the Oldest, I am very concern about my family condition.. I know how my parents are hardly getting the money for their children's sake, I know it is hard to obtain even a single penny, working until late to find  Halal money for the family, don't bother their own health, hunger and thirst, smiling until old...

Before I enter the university, I don't really understand their difficulties but as I grow older and facing various challenges here including financial problem, now I realize it is not easy to have the full enjoyment.. Having only limited financial support from the government agency, I have to find a solution.. Alhamdulillah Allah helps me until now.. I got a part-time work and additional funding at the end of the month even though the money I got is only pass for about 1 week... But I am very grateful with all the help I get from the people around me..What you need is only EFFORT, CHANCES, COURAGE, BLESSING from ALLAH and your parents..

And to tell you, if I insists of going to EGYPT six years ago, I would not having a smooth education experience because a year after I got the offer, ARAB SPRING happened... Allahuakbar... Subhanallah... Allah knows what is the best for me and my family... Alhamdulillah... Now, I know my chances to do Master and PHD are all open and I just have to find the right time to do it... And I have friends with the same dream too.. Thank you Allah for your greatest story timeline.... I will try the very best and think wisely before achieving the tittle Dr. in front of my unique name... Amin...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Tanggapan terhadap Novel Cinta

How are you?
May Allah SWT bless you all...

Sejak kebelakangan ini, bumi sering dibasahi air hujan... Terima kasih atas kurnianya yang tidak terhingga manfaatnya... Memang seronok membaca buku dalam suasana yang sejuk dan menenangkan seperti sekarang.. Sambil ditemani secawan teh atau kopi yang panas, duduk bersandar senang di atas kerusi yang terletak disudut bilik tidur yang suram cahayanya..

Selalu yang akan saya gapai adalah sebuah buku cinta yang ditulis oleh penulis tempatan.. Minat juga pada yang international tapi hati masih tetap pada buku yang menggunakan bahasa ibunda tercinta... Lebih mudah terpesona dengan lenggok bahasa yang kadangkala lidah tidak dapat membicarakannya... Jatuh cinta dengan jalan cerita yang kadangkala tidak masuk akal katanya... Tapi itulah keindahan sebuah buku yang ditulis dengan kesabaran, keseronokan dan kesedihan jari - jemari pesona....

Bagi saya, novel - novel yang ditulis penulis tempatan tidak kurang hebatnya dengan novel - novel antarabangsa.. Mungkin keterbatasan kefahaman memahami tulisan Melayu yang menjadikan buku - buku tempatan sukar untuk menembusi pasaran luar negara... Tapi percayalah, buku - buku ini mempunyai keistimewaan yang sukar digambarkan dengan kata - kata jika dihayati dengan sesungguhnya...

Saya suka dengan novel - novel cinta.. Seronok memanjakan diri dengan khayalan - khayalan romantis yang ditulis oleh penulis... Sepertinya saya pula yang menjadi watak utamanya... Suka dengan angan - angan yang boleh diciptakan semasa membaca novel - novel bertemakan cinta.. Walaupun kadangkala nampak seperti mengarut dan mustahil, tetapi itulah indahnya fantasi...

Yang tidak enak adalah apabila orang berkata buruk tentang novel-novel seperti ini... Ada yang mencebik dan ada juga yang mengejek apabila melihat saya membaca novel cinta... Bagi mereka, membaca novel - novel seperti ini tidak ada standardnya seperti membaca buku ilmiah yang memang tidak dinafikan kepentingannya... Novel cinta hanyalah untuk mereka yang berjiwa lemah dan lembut sahaja.. Tiada faedahnya...

Saya hanya senyum sahaja dengan semua itu.. Tidak perlu dikisahkan orang - orang seperti itu yang tidak tahu keasyikan melayan novel - novel cinta ini... Kerana mereka tidak tahu bahawa cerita yang ditulis oleh penulis juga diambil daripada pengalaman hidup yang dijalani oleh orang disekeliling kita... Terfikirkah kamu bagaimana mereka mampu untuk menghasilkan penulisan yang mampu memberi pengalaman hebat kepada pembaca? Walaupun ramai yang mengatakan itu semua banyak yang direka sahaja, tetapi tidakkah kamu perasan, cerita - cerita yang dibawa serupa dengan senario yang kamu jalani sekarang?

Bercinta, mencintai, dicintai, dikhianati, mengkhianati, disakiti, menyakiti, dinodai, ternodai, menodai, bertanggungjawab, berusaha, berjaya, gagal, nafsu, dendam, sayang, dengki, cemburu, taubat, insaf, benci, suka, percaya, mempercayai, dipercayai, kuat, lemah, waras, gila, sedih, gembira... Itu semua ada dalam kehidupan seorang manusia...

Bukan itu sahaja, novel - novel cinta juga dilengkapi dengan info - info menarik dan fakta - fakta terbaik yang kadangkala tidak kamu jumpa dalam satu buku ilmiah... Jangan disempitkan fikiranmu itu dengan tanggapan yang buruk tentang novel cinta... Bacalah satu, hayatinya dengan kesungguhan, pengalaman itu akan dapat kamu rasakan sehingga kadangkala kamu pula yang merasa kebahagiaan dan kesakitan watak yang ditonjolkan..

Tetapi AWAS satu perkara juga, jangan sampai kamu pula yang dirasuk dengan angan - angan yang dicipta oleh penulis.. Contohnya seperti tema klise yang sering digunakan penulis sekarang  iaitu kahwin kontrak / kahwin paksa, mula - mula benci, lama - lama suka, akhirnya bahagia setelah semua musuh kecundang dengan nasib berbeza-beza... Ataupun menjadi orang gaji di rumah orang kaya berpangkat kerabat, berstatus VIP, VVIP, terperangkap dalam kejadian tangkap basah, dipaksa kahwin sebab nak tutup malu, mula- mula benci, mulanya kes cemburu, lama- lama suka, akhirnya bahagia tetapi mesti sakit nak mati dahulu sebelum keajaiban cinta menyelamatkan cerita...



Thursday, August 1, 2013


May ALLAH bless you..

So, it's been nearly a month since Muslims are having their fasting... Tired, thirst and hunger are part of it... Ramadan is the month for Muslims to seek ALLAH forgiveness ultimately... Ramadan gives Muslims tremendous rewards for those who really mean it...Truly seek for ALLAH blessings.. During Ramadan, all the hell gates are closed and all heaven doors are open... Kalamullah - Al Quran - is revealed to our last prophet, Nabi Muhammad SAW... Allah biggest gift to us... Helping Muslims walk along the true and real path... Far away from being lost.. And don't forget Malam LailatulQadar, one night that is better than a thousand night... Can be seen and feel only by the chosen people.. Chosen by Allah..

Ramadan... one of the most special month in Islam calendar... Regret it if you don't appreciate Ramadan.. Once you miss it, you wouldn't meet it the same as before... Fill your Ramadan with Taubat... Insyallah JANNAH is promised for you...

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Kehidupan sempurna tidaklah ada,
Kehidupan abadi janganlah didambakan,

Tiada apa yang perlu diubah,
Semuanya sudah cantik dan indah,

Burung - burung di atas pohon merimbun,
Duduk berkicau berbicara dengan riuhnya,
Angin bertiup melebarkan sayap pelangi,
Terpesona alam yang sungguh lebat sekali,

Jangan kau kisahkan katak yang berteduh,
Pandanglah pada awan membawa hujan,
Tiada lagi keperluan kau mengeluh,
Suasana sejuk yang sentiasa nyaman,

Pergilah suram dan kerisauan,
Pergilah jauh ditiup sang bayu,
Terbanglah engkau ke hujung dunia,
Membawa sekali harapan palsu,

Di sini tinggal panas kehangatan,
Memberi pedoman,
Di sana ada cerah kejelasan,
Membenarkan kebenaran yang ditinggal kepupusan,
Semaikan iman,
Hidupkan cahaya putih itu,
Setia pada penciptamu.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Masa Lalu Masa Hadapan


Pernahkah anda berimpian untuk kembali ke masa lalu?
Pernahkah anda berimpian untuk pergi ke masa hadapan?

Masa lalu dan masa hadapan,
Dua zaman yang sama sebenarnya,
Kedua-duanya menjadi taruhan manusia membina hidup,
Sama ada akan kaya,
Ataupun jatuh baring melutut meminta-minta,

Tiada yang terlepas daripada kedua-duanya,
Masa lalu yang dianggap kenangan,
Dan masa hadapan yang digelar harapan,

Namun, ada juga ketika masa lalu disesali kehadirannya,
Kerana masa lalu, masa hadapan tiada,
Tetapi, ramai juga yang lupa,
Tiada masa lalu, tiada juga masa hadapan,

Usaha yang ditabur dan disemai di masa lalu,
Dapat dibajak dan dituai di masa hadapan,
Buktinya keceriaan dan senyuman senang,
Menggantikan kerut dan lelah yang memanjang,

Setiap yang hidup akan mati,
Hidup itu masa lalu,
Mati itu masa hadapan,

Isikanlah yang ditengah dengan benih-benih kejayaan,
Hidup subur sebagai pohon berteduh dikala hujan,
Sesekali dicantas memberi kemasan yang sopan,
Sambil ditemani nyanyian merdu burung-burung kayangan,

Masa lalu masa hadapan,
Jangan kau cemari dengan kekotoran,
Jangan kau gelapkan dengan dakwat hitam,
Sinarinya dengan lampu terang,
Putihkannya dengan keimanan.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Hello World...
Happy fasting...

It's been 2 months since my last entry in here.... I am working now but not as a practical teacher anymore but as an internship student at ILPKL... The surrounding here in ILP is good and the people also nice... I will be in here until the end of August, meaning my internship is only for 2 months... Can't wait till the last day of this tiring responsibility... Miss my UNI and my friends in Johor Bahru..

Ok, what I wanna tell you is that now I just realize, my blog is filled mostly with my love fantasy story... Filled with my story of my fantasy future spouse, my story of my fantasy future life, the story of my life whose thirst for love....Hahahaha.... What a pathetic blog I have.. This is so sad.. Shame on me...

But honestly that would be my true intention when I sign up  for the first time 4 years ago...This blog is my space to express my feeling towards anything especially my love world... Hahahahahaha... I am so pathetic... I guess a person like me don't deserve a blog of myself... 

But who cares? I don't think people out there would be so excited to care about my blog as long as I don't write anything controversial right? Hmm, sometimes I feel so annoyed with my own personal expression... I feel like a desperate woman... But to delete all of the annoyed stuffs, I can't do it... Maybe next time but not in the meantime..

Maybe I just need to calm down a bit, to just breathe, relax and think again of what have I done to this blog...A little correction and new consciousness about this life is what I need to bring up the mood again..Yeah, maybe it's all I need after all...

Ok, see you next time...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


How are you today?
Me? I'm fine...

It's been a long time since my last entry in here, so to start the new month I'm writing today... Recently, I watched a lot... WE GOT MARRIED is my favourite nowadays... Love watching Korean couples live their life as a married husband and wife... And to think of it, marriage is not an easy job after all...

When I think about it, how would my life gonna be when I get to marry someone? Even though I prefer single the most, but marriage is important for me too... Living with opposite gender in the same house together kind a make me scary... Don't know what to expect.. I'm a fussy woman actually...Hate to think that I have to share everything with strangest... I know that HE is my husband but ahhhh!!!! I don't know....

To be honest, I've never had a boyfriend before...For me, a relationship with a guy is not profitable... I don't like to share my life with someone.. I don't like to tell other people about where I'm going or with whom I with or how is my day... I tried once dating with a guy but it last for only 2 weeks... For the 1st week, it goes  just nice but when it comes to the 2nd week, everything feels different.. I felt annoyed with everything he did... He is kind but maybe he is not for me... I don't deserve him.. I don't feel anything inside me... That's why I quit... I lied to him.. I told him I've had another guy, so he hate me and leave..

From that day, I live my life with just only me to care...But I like someone during my study.. I confessed to him last year but he rejected me.. Sad? No I don't feel anything honestly... Maybe I'm just a girl with no heart inside... hahahaha... I told my friends about my illness but they said it was only because I'm not meeting my truly soulmate yet.. Once I meet him, there would be no coupling, no engagement, only marriage... And I will become the most loyal wife and loving partner ever exist...I just laughed..

It is hard you know... I hope I can be a good and lovable partner for my future soulmate... Stay by his side together during hardship and happy days until the end of his life... Perfecting him with all my effort... Even though I'm not pretty, not romantic, not rich, not intelligent, not in style, not sexy.. but I will do my best to be the perfect one for him... And he accept me sincerely as his partner..

To my future soulmate, please treat me well... I'm not asking much... Appreciation is just what I want... See you when I see you (even though we don't know each other outside).. Take care until then... Love you...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Me Now as a Teacher

Assalamualaikum and happy day...
How are you today?
Fine? Good!!!

So, it's been a long time since my last entry in here.. That is why I'm writing something today... Now I just want to share a bit of my days as a new teacher, well actually a new practical teacher here in Setapak (Kolej Vokasional Setapak)... In this school, I'm a welding teacher...

Ok, firstly I'm not that excited actually of being a teacher but seriously I love to share especially when it comes to knowledge, new knowledge...Even though the passion of being a teacher is not part of my game's life but I don't mind to teach others...

So, in this school I got to control over 20 students (29 is the accurate one) 25 boys and 4 girls... I love them honestly.. They are just like my younger brother and sister... They are still kids so I understand if they are a bit naughty... For me, school is a place to develop yourself, so learning with fun is part of the teaching system... I don't want my students to have a no fun teenagehood... I want them to have a fun memory of school, of being a student... So when they left the school later, they will have a good things to share with others especially to their family (kids)...

I know the feeling of success... I know the feeling of a failure... I kown the feeling of frust... Because I've experienced it all before... I want them to feel all of that, because that is what makes me grow until what I become right now... Experience teach us of how to be a person...

Seriously, being a teacher is not as easy as you see pyhsically... A teacher is a person with full responsibility to your upcoming life... Love and hatred, they know the feeling... Even though teacher comes in different packages (different teaching method, different ability, different attitude) but they are the one who don't approve quit because they always care about you...

Now I know the feeling of a teacher... I love my teachers... Thank you teachers....
And to my students, thank you for your acceptance...I love you all...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Don't know what to say... Speechless

How are you today?
Good day isn't?

So, hari ini saya nak bercerita sedikit tentang tajuk di atas iaitu Speechless...Speechless yang saya maksudkan adalah ketiadaan kata - kata yang nak diberikan kepada satu kejadian ini.. Okay, honestly mula - mula tu tak adalah excited sangat nak tulis pasal ni tapi bila kejadian itu makin lama makin menarik, saya pun terus tergerak buka blog and update...

Okay firstly it all started after the result of my coming practical teaching... For the school I choose, there would be 4 students from my UNI (3 girls 1 boy).... I know the boy but I don't know one of the girls.. One thing I'm sure about her is that she's married...

Hmmmm, the boy from what I know and heard is engaged but then what's interesting about him is that he's flirting on me and he's flirting me through my friends.. hahahaha.. I guess he's not that brave... What a "CLEVER" boy... Okay, how do I know he's flirting me? Let me tell you the story....

Masa saya balik semula ke kolej after my short holiday at home, saya di approach my friend and  she told me ada seseorang nak mengorat...I'm not very surprised with the news but then when she show me the person, I was what? Him?  Hey, bukan dia dah bertunang ke? Kenapa dia tulis macam tu? But then, I just ignore it because first : may be he's trying to joke with my friend, two : hey, he's someone fiancĂ©e and three : I don't like him (hahahaha)...

He's not that bad actually.. From all the way I know him, he's quite beragama (pernah jadi imam masa solat hajat), sedap suara dia, baik dan kadang-kadang nakal juga (dalam exam pun meniru), and sebenarnya saya tak pernah pun bercakap dengan dia.. saya hanya tahu dia dari electrical course dan tunang orang... That's all.. What surprised me? WHY ME? Hmm pelik, pelik.. Nak kata saya cantik, kawan saya yang seorang lagi tu lagi cantik dan comel, ramai lagi kawan saya yang lebih baik dari saya.. Nak kata saya ni baik or menepati citarasa dia (bertudung labuh macam tunang dia) tak juga sebab saya ni pakai biasa-biasa je...

Kenapa agaknya tunang orang berperangai macam tu? Lelaki memang macam tu ke? Seorang lelaki bila dah bertunang tetap akan berperangai macam tu ke? Kalau nak di ikutkan, saya pun ada juga kawan lelaki yang bertunang, tapi perangai elok je, tak pernah pula tengok dia menggatal dengan orang lain... Macam-macam dunia ni...Berbeza orang berbeza perangai...

I thought the story ends there but he did it again during my study group with my friends a few weeks later...Now this time I am surprise, very surprise.. Why? Sebab dia makin berani... Dia berchatting dengan kawan saya masa kami study group at that time, then tiba-tiba kawan saya cakap dia kirim salam, saya pun senyum jela..Then kawan saya pun cakap la yang kemungkinan saya akan bertukar sekolah masa LM nanti sebab saya apply untuk LM ke Indonesia, then dia balas (lebih kurang macam ni ayat dia) - " Ooooo, yeke.. Kalo macam tu tak dapat la saya nak ngorat F****.. Baru cadang nak couple dengan dia ".... Saya dengar je, saya terus gelak gila-gila dengan kawan-kawan saya...Ada ke tunang orang cakap macam tu dengan orang yang dia tak pernah pun cakap or kenal... Kalau dia kawan saya boleh la saya terima sebab kawan-kawan saya memang jenis yang suka bergurau macam tu...saya pun jenis orang yang tak ambil kisah (gelaran dalam geng - perempuan hati batu, tak ada perasaan), tapi ini dia yang saya tak kenal pun...

Ya Allah... tak tahu nak cakap or respon apa lagi... Yang peliknya, dekat FB pun mana ada dia friends, macam mana la dia boleh ada niat nak guna nama saya... Adoooooyaiiiiiii!!!!! Dunia dunia... Dengan kawan-kawan saya berani dia luahkan, tapi dengan saya tak berani pula nak cuba cakap or approach....Hmmmm... Adakah ini cara dia bergurau? Adakah ini cara dia berkawan? Entahlah, saya pun tak tahu nak cakap..

Ok, mula-mula kena rasa biasa je tapi bila dah berani sangat sampai macam tu sekali, saya mula rasa tak selesa... Sebab dia guna nama saya, kalau nama orang lain saya tak kisah tapi dia guna nama saya... Saya bukannya apa, kalau dia buat perangai tak senonoh tu privately dengan saya, tak apa sebab ianya secret.. Tapi bila dah melibatkan sampai kawan-kawan saya, saya rasa tercabar pula..Macam saya ni bahan untuk gurau senda.. Nanti apa kata orang lain? Saya boleh dikatakan perosak hubungan orang padahal saya tak tahu apa-apa pun...Dan yang saya tak boleh terima adalah dia TUNANG ORANG...

Mungkin sesetengah orang cakap ala baru tunang, tapi bagi saya itu adalah ikatan yang menunjukkan hak seseorang... Saya tak nak jadi perosak hubungan orang lain lagi-lagi nak menyakitkan hati kaum saya sendiri...Minta dijauhkan semua tu..

Okay la dah banyak sangat saya meluahkan kali ini.. Harap-harap tiada lagi kes-kes yang boleh buat saya nak gelak sampai terguling-guling selepas ini.. Semoga semuanya aman sejahtera..


Monday, January 7, 2013


Good Day Everyone...

Ok now I just wanna write.. Don't have the feeling, only want to write..

It is all about my teaching practical next month. So firstly, I was happy to know that my choice of school is a dream come true, I get to teach at my hometown (KL) with my best friend of course.. We were very happy to know that we're going to be together at that school for the whole semester.. We talk a lot about shopping together, eating together, cooking together, and spend the whole 5 months together especially in KL (city of entertainment).. But then it could be just a dream, only a dream when I applied to teach at Indonesia even though it takes only a month...

The application to teach at Indonesia was not part of the plan at the first place because I heard that my course is not applicable... But when my friend said that we (my course) is qualified, I know nothing but to fill the form..So, what is the case? The main point is that I may be transferred to other school after the practical if I pass all the qualification... But that is IF I PASS?????? IF NOT then we can breathe easily...

So the main issue here is I feel very guilty, very very very guilty with my best friend because we had planned everything... OoooooHHHHH!!!!! I feel so confused.. What should I do? What should I do? Do I have to cancel the application? But travelling is my priority, getting new experience with new surrounding is really really really my main dream in my life....I cannot ignore it because this is a chance once in a life time... Who would want to sponsor the whole journey for you in the future if you ignore today's chance?

Ya Allah.... I don't know what to do...I really don't know what to do..... I feel so confuse...

Hmmmmm, what do I do now?  I guess I should just leave it and always pray for the best to ALLAH... Because ALLAH is my creator so Allah knows what is the best for me and my life and her life too... I just pray success to the both of us... ALLAH will show the way and I know it because I believe it... I believe ALLAH...


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Soapbox UTM Race Car

Hello World!!!!!

So,today's entry is all about soapbox. What is soapbox? Well, soapbox is actually a man made gravity car. Used usually as a recreation vehicle or race car in a competition. They don't use engine to move, only the power of earth's gravity is needed. Me and my team (all girls) built one of it. Want to see the result after all the hard work? TADAAAA....

Look cute is it.... Hahahaha... Well seems easy to build it but trust me if you don't have the intent to sacrifice on your time and money especially, I don't recommend you to build one... It was so tiring and energy consume.. But when you see the result, automatically I smiled  (  : ]  ).... BIG SMILE...Because we girls did all the job by ourselves (plus with the help of our friends and all the staff)

And amazingly, we got third place in the race ( the third fastest car of all soapbox) down the hill of UTM IBNU SINA...Lucky me as the driver even accident happened twice (not me but two of the other teams)...

Okay, time to move out.. I have an important exam tomorrow (Wish me success)... BYE..
